Source code for dl85.predictors.predictor

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.utils.validation import assert_all_finite, check_X_y, check_array, check_is_fitted
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from ..errors.errors import SearchFailedError, TreeNotFoundError
from distutils.util import strtobool
import json
import numpy as np
import uuid
from subprocess import check_call

def get_dot_body(treedict, parent=None, left=True):
    gstring = ""
    id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    id = id.replace('-', '_')

    if "feat" in treedict.keys():
        feat = treedict["feat"]
        if parent is None:
            gstring += "node_" + id + " [label=\"{{feat|" + str(feat) + "}}\"];\n"
            gstring += get_dot_body(treedict["left"], id)
            gstring += get_dot_body(treedict["right"], id, False)
            gstring += "node_" + id + " [label=\"{{feat|" + str(feat) + "}}\"];\n"
            gstring += "node_" + parent + " -> node_" + id + " [label=" + str(int(left)) + "];\n"
            gstring += get_dot_body(treedict["left"], id)
            gstring += get_dot_body(treedict["right"], id, False)
        val = str(int(treedict["value"])) if treedict["value"] - int(treedict["value"]) == 0 else str(round(treedict["value"], 3))
        err = str(int(treedict["error"])) if treedict["error"] - int(treedict["error"]) == 0 else str(round(treedict["error"], 2))
        # maxi = max(len(val), len(err))
        # val = val if len(val) == maxi else val + (" " * (maxi - len(val)))
        # err = err if len(err) == maxi else err + (" " * (maxi - len(err)))
        gstring += "leaf_" + id + " [label=\"{{class|" + val + "}|{error|" + err + "}}\"];\n"
        gstring += "node_" + parent + " -> leaf_" + id + " [label=" + str(int(left)) + "];\n"
    return gstring

[docs]class DL85Predictor(BaseEstimator): """ An optimal binary decision tree classifier. Parameters ---------- max_depth : int, default=1 Maximum depth of the tree to be found min_sup : int, default=1 Minimum number of examples per leaf max_error : int, default=0 Maximum allowed error. Default value stands for no bound. If no tree can be found that is strictly better, the model remains empty. stop_after_better : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the search will stop after finding a tree better than max_error time_limit : int, default=0 Allocated time in second(s) for the search. Default value stands for no limit. The best tree found within the time limit is stored, if this tree is better than max_error. verbose : bool, default=False A parameter used to switch on/off the print of what happens during the search desc : function, default=None A parameter used to indicate heuristic function used to sort the items in descending order asc : function, default=None A parameter used to indicate heuristic function used to sort the items in ascending order repeat_sort : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate whether the heuristic sort will be applied at each level of the lattice or only at the root print_output : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the search output will be printed or not Attributes ---------- tree_ : str Outputted tree in serialized form; remains empty as long as no model is learned. size_ : int The size of the outputted tree depth_ : int Depth of the found tree error_ : float Error of the found tree accuracy_ : float Accuracy of the found tree on training set lattice_size_ : int The number of nodes explored before found the optimal tree runtime_ : float Time of the optimal decision tree search timeout_ : bool Whether the search reached timeout or not classes_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes,) The classes seen at :meth:`fit`. """ def __init__( self, max_depth=1, min_sup=1, error_function=None, fast_error_function=None, max_error=0, stop_after_better=False, time_limit=0, verbose=False, desc=False, asc=False, repeat_sort=False, leaf_value_function=None, quiet=True, print_output=False): self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_sup = min_sup self.sample_weight = [] self.error_function = error_function self.fast_error_function = fast_error_function self.max_error = max_error self.stop_after_better = stop_after_better self.time_limit = time_limit self.verbose = verbose self.desc = desc self.asc = asc self.repeat_sort = repeat_sort self.leaf_value_function = leaf_value_function self.quiet = quiet self.print_output = print_output self.tree_ = None self.size_ = -1 self.depth_ = -1 self.error_ = -1 self.accuracy_ = -1 self.lattice_size_ = -1 self.runtime_ = -1 self.timeout_ = False self.classes_ = [] self.is_fitted_ = False def _more_tags(self): return {'X_types': 'categorical', 'allow_nan': False}
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Implements the standard fitting function for a DL8.5 classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The training input samples. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,) The target values. An array of int. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ target_is_need = True if y is not None else False opt_func = self.error_function opt_fast_func = self.fast_error_function opt_pred_func = self.error_function predict = True if target_is_need: # target-needed tasks (eg: classification, regression, etc.) # Check that X and y have correct shape and raise ValueError if not X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype='int32') if self.leaf_value_function is None: opt_pred_func = None predict = False else: opt_func = None opt_fast_func = None # if opt_func is None and opt_pred_func is None: # print("No optimization criterion defined. Misclassification error is used by default.") else: # target-less tasks (clustering, etc.) # Check that X has correct shape and raise ValueError if not assert_all_finite(X) X = check_array(X, dtype='int32') if self.leaf_value_function is None: opt_pred_func = None predict = False else: opt_func = None opt_fast_func = None # sys.path.insert(0, "../../") import dl85Optimizer # print(opt_func) solution = dl85Optimizer.solve(data=X, target=y, tec_func_=opt_func, sec_func_=opt_fast_func, te_func_=opt_pred_func, max_depth=self.max_depth, min_sup=self.min_sup, example_weights=self.sample_weight, max_error=self.max_error, stop_after_better=self.stop_after_better, time_limit=self.time_limit, verb=self.verbose, desc=self.desc, asc=self.asc, repeat_sort=self.repeat_sort) # if self.print_output: # print(solution) solution = solution.rstrip("\n").splitlines() self.sol_size = len(solution) if self.sol_size == 9: # solution found self.tree_ = json.loads(solution[1].split('Tree: ')[1]) self.size_ = int(solution[2].split(" ")[1]) self.depth_ = int(solution[3].split(" ")[1]) self.error_ = float(solution[4].split(" ")[1]) self.lattice_size_ = int(solution[6].split(" ")[1]) self.runtime_ = float(solution[7].split(" ")[1]) self.timeout_ = bool(strtobool(solution[8].split(" ")[1])) if self.size_ >= 3 or self.max_error <= 0: self.accuracy_ = float(solution[5].split(" ")[1]) # if sol_size == 8: # without timeout if self.size_ < 3 and self.max_error > 0: # return just a leaf as fake solution if not self.timeout_: print("DL8.5 fitting: Solution not found. However, a solution exists with error equal to the " "max error you specify as unreachable. Please increase your bound if you want to reach it.") else: print("DL8.5 fitting: Timeout reached without solution. However, a solution exists with " "error equal to the max error you specify as unreachable. Please increase " "your bound if you want to reach it.") else: if not self.quiet: if not self.timeout_: print("DL8.5 fitting: Solution found") else: print("DL8.5 fitting: Timeout reached but solution found") if target_is_need: # problem with target # Store the classes seen during fit self.classes_ = unique_labels(y) elif self.sol_size == 5: # solution not found self.lattice_size_ = int(solution[2].split(" ")[1]) self.runtime_ = float(solution[3].split(" ")[1]) self.timeout_ = bool(strtobool(solution[4].split(" ")[1])) if not self.timeout_: print("DL8.5 fitting: Solution not found") else: # timeout reached print("DL8.5 fitting: Timeout reached and solution not found") if hasattr(self, 'tree_') and self.tree_ is not None: # add transactions to nodes of the tree self.add_transactions_and_proba(X, y) if self.leaf_value_function is not None: def search(node): if self.is_leaf_node(node) is not True: search(node['left']) search(node['right']) else: node['value'] = self.leaf_value_function(node['transactions']) node = self.tree_ search(node) self.remove_transactions() if self.print_output: print(solution[0]) print("Tree:", self.tree_) print("Size:", str(self.size_)) print("Depth:", str(self.depth_)) print("Error:", str(self.error_)) # print("Accuracy:", str(self.accuracy_)) print("LatticeSize:", str(self.lattice_size_)) print("Runtime:", str(self.runtime_)) print("Timeout:", str(self.timeout_)) # Return the classifier self.is_fitted_ = True return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Implements the standard predict function for a DL8.5 classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. Returns ------- y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The label for each sample is the label of the closest sample seen during fit. """ # Check is fit is called # check_is_fitted(self, attributes='tree_') # use of attributes is deprecated. alternative solution is below # if hasattr(self, 'sol_size') is False: # fit method has not been called if self.is_fitted_ is False: # fit method has not been called raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) if self.tree_ is None: raise TreeNotFoundError("predict(): ", "Tree not found during training by DL8.5 - " "Check fitting message for more info.") if hasattr(self, 'tree_') is False: # normally this case is not possible. raise SearchFailedError("PredictionError: ", "DL8.5 training has failed. Please contact the developers " "if the problem is in the scope supported by the tool.") # Input validation X = check_array(X) pred = [] for i in range(X.shape[0]): pred.append(self.pred_value_on_dict(X[i, :])) return pred
def pred_value_on_dict(self, instance, tree=None): node = tree if tree is not None else self.tree_ while self.is_leaf_node(node) is not True: if instance[node['feat']] == 1: node = node['left'] else: node = node['right'] return node['value']
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """ Implements the standard predict function for a DL8.5 classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. Returns ------- y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The label for each sample is the label of the closest sample seen during fit. """ # Check is fit is called # check_is_fitted(self, attributes='tree_') # use of attributes is deprecated. alternative solution is below # if hasattr(self, 'sol_size') is False: # fit method has not been called if self.is_fitted_ is False: # fit method has not been called raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) if self.tree_ is None: raise TreeNotFoundError("predict(): ", "Tree not found during training by DL8.5 - " "Check fitting message for more info.") if hasattr(self, 'tree_') is False: # normally this case is not possible. raise SearchFailedError("PredictionError: ", "DL8.5 training has failed. Please contact the developers " "if the problem is in the scope supported by the tool.") # Input validation X = check_array(X) pred = [] for i in range(X.shape[0]): pred.append(self.pred_proba_on_dict(X[i, :])) return np.array(pred)
def pred_proba_on_dict(self, instance, tree=None): node = tree if tree is not None else self.tree_ while self.is_leaf_node(node) is not True: if instance[node['feat']] == 1: node = node['left'] else: node = node['right'] return node['proba'] def get_nodes_count(self): if self.is_fitted_ is False: # fit method has not been called raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) if self.tree_ is None: raise TreeNotFoundError("predict(): ", "Tree not found during training by DL8.5 - " "Check fitting message for more info.") if hasattr(self, 'tree_') is False: # normally this case is not possible. raise SearchFailedError("PredictionError: ", "DL8.5 training has failed. Please contact the developers " "if the problem is in the scope supported by the tool.") tree_str = json.dumps(self.tree_) return tree_str.count('feat') + tree_str.count('value') @staticmethod def is_leaf_node(node): names = [x[0] for x in node.items()] return 'error' in names def add_transactions_and_proba(self, X, y=None): # explore the decision tree found and add transactions to leaf nodes. def recurse(transactions, node, feature, positive): if transactions is None: current_transactions = list(range(0, X.shape[0])) node['transactions'] = current_transactions if y is not None: unique, counts = np.unique(y[node['transactions']], return_counts=True) count_dict = dict(zip(unique, counts)) node['proba'] = [] for c in self.classes_: if c in count_dict: node['proba'].append(count_dict[c] / sum(counts)) else: node['proba'].append(0) else: node['proba'] = None if 'feat' in node.keys(): recurse(current_transactions, node['left'], node['feat'], True) recurse(current_transactions, node['right'], node['feat'], False) else: feature_vector = X[:, feature] feature_vector = feature_vector.astype('int32') if positive: positive_vector = np.where(feature_vector == 1)[0] positive_vector = positive_vector.tolist() current_transactions = set(transactions).intersection(positive_vector) node['transactions'] = list(current_transactions) if y is not None: unique, counts = np.unique(y[node['transactions']], return_counts=True) count_dict = dict(zip(unique, counts)) node['proba'] = [] for c in self.classes_: if c in count_dict: node['proba'].append(count_dict[c] / sum(counts)) else: node['proba'].append(0) else: node['proba'] = None if 'feat' in node.keys(): recurse(current_transactions, node['left'], node['feat'], True) recurse(current_transactions, node['right'], node['feat'], False) else: negative_vector = np.where(feature_vector == 0)[0] negative_vector = negative_vector.tolist() current_transactions = set(transactions).intersection(negative_vector) node['transactions'] = list(current_transactions) if y is not None: unique, counts = np.unique(y[node['transactions']], return_counts=True) count_dict = dict(zip(unique, counts)) node['proba'] = [] for c in self.classes_: if c in count_dict: node['proba'].append(count_dict[c] / sum(counts)) else: node['proba'].append(0) else: node['proba'] = None if 'feat' in node.keys(): recurse(current_transactions, node['left'], node['feat'], True) recurse(current_transactions, node['right'], node['feat'], False) root_node = self.tree_ recurse(None, root_node, None, None) def tree_without_transactions(self): def recurse(node): if 'transactions' in node and ('feat' in node.keys() or 'value' in node.keys()): del node['transactions'] if 'left' in node.keys(): recurse(node['left']) recurse(node['right']) tree = dict(self.tree_) recurse(tree) return tree def remove_transactions(self): def recurse(node): if 'transactions' in node and ('feat' in node.keys() or 'value' in node.keys()): del node['transactions'] if 'left' in node.keys(): recurse(node['left']) recurse(node['right']) recurse(self.tree_) def export_graphviz(self): if self.is_fitted_ is False: # fit method has not been called raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) if self.tree_ is None: raise TreeNotFoundError("predict(): ", "Tree not found during training by DL8.5 - " "Check fitting message for more info.") if hasattr(self, 'tree_') is False: # normally this case is not possible. raise SearchFailedError("PredictionError: ", "DL8.5 training has failed. Please contact the developers " "if the problem is in the scope supported by the tool.") # initialize the header graph_string = "digraph Tree { \n" \ "graph [ranksep=0]; \n" \ "node [shape=record]; \n" # build the body graph_string += get_dot_body(self.tree_) # end by the footer graph_string += "}" return graph_string