Source code for dl85.supervised.classifiers.boosting

import os
import sys
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import cvxpy as cp

from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score

from .classifier import DL85Classifier
from ...errors.errors import SearchFailedError, TreeNotFoundError
from .utils.matrix import *

MODEL_LP_RATSCH = 1  # regulator of ratsch is between ]0; 1]
MODEL_LP_DEMIRIZ = 2  # regulator of demiriz is between ]1/n_instances; +\infty]

[docs]class DL85Booster(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """ An optimal binary decision tree classifier. Parameters ---------- base_etimator : classifier, default=None The base classifier to boost max_depth : int, default=1 Maximum depth of the tree to be found min_sup : int, default=1 Minimum number of examples per leaf max_iterations : int, default=0 The maximum number of iterations after which the search is stopped. Default value means "no stop on iterations" model : int, default=MODEL_LP_DEMIRIZ The column generation model to solve gamma : str, default=None Variance matrix parameter for MDBoost error_function : function, default=None User-specific error function based on transactions fast_error_function : function, default=None User-specific error function based on supports per class opti_gap : float, default=0.01 This value is a tolerance to stop the column generation before optimality. It fixes the convergence problem of column generation approaches max_error : int, default=0 Maximum allowed error. Default value stands for no bound. If no tree can be found that is strictly better, the model remains empty. stop_after_better : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the search will stop after finding a tree better than max_error regulator : float, default=-1 This is the regularization parameter of column generation models. time_limit : int, default=0 Allocated time in second(s) for the search. Default value stands for no limit. The best tree found within the time limit is stored, if this tree is better than max_error. verbose : bool, default=False A parameter used to switch on/off the print of what happens during the search desc : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the sorting of the items is done in descending order of information gain asc : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the sorting of the items is done in ascending order of information gain repeat_sort : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate whether the sorting of items is done at each level of the lattice or only before the search quiet : bool, default=True Whether to print or not the column generation details print_output : bool, default=False A parameter used to indicate if the search output will be printed or not Attributes ---------- estimators_ : list The list of estimators in the final ensemble. estimator_weights_ : list The weight of each estimator. n_estimators_ : int Total number of estimators n_iterations_ : int Total number of iterations needed to find the optimal ensemble. objective_ : float The objective value reached by the ensemble. accuracy_ : float Accuracy of the found tree on training set margins_ : list The list of margin of the found ensemble on the training set margins_norm_ : list Same value as above but normalized. Each value is between -1 and 1. duration_ : float Time of the optimal forest search optimal_ : bool Whether the ensemble is optimal or not classes_ : ndarray, shape (n_classes,) The classes seen at :meth:`fit`. """ def __init__( self, base_estimator=None, max_depth=1, min_sup=1, max_iterations=0, model=MODEL_LP_DEMIRIZ, gamma=None, error_function=None, fast_error_function=None, opti_gap=0.01, max_error=0, regulator=-1, stop_after_better=False, time_limit=0, verbose=False, desc=False, asc=False, repeat_sort=False, print_output=False, quiet=True): self.clf_params = dict(locals()) del self.clf_params["self"] del self.clf_params["regulator"] del self.clf_params["base_estimator"] del self.clf_params["max_iterations"] del self.clf_params["model"] del self.clf_params["gamma"] del self.clf_params["opti_gap"] self.base_estimator = base_estimator self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_sup = min_sup self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.error_function = error_function self.fast_error_function = fast_error_function self.max_error = max_error self.stop_after_better = stop_after_better self.time_limit = time_limit self.verbose = verbose self.desc = desc self.asc = asc self.repeat_sort = repeat_sort self.print_output = print_output self.regulator = regulator self.quiet = quiet self.model = model self.gamma = gamma self.opti_gap = opti_gap self.n_instances = None self.A_inv = None self.optimal_ = False # whether the ensemble is optimal self.estimators_, self.estimator_weights_ = [], [] self.accuracy_ = self.duration_ = self.n_estimators_ = self.n_iterations_ = 0 self.margins_ = [] # the ensemble margin on training instances self.margins_norm_ = [] # the normalized margins self.classes_ = [] self.objective_ = None # the optimal value reached by the ensemble def fit(self, X, y=None, X_test=None, y_test=None, iter_file=None): if y is None: raise ValueError("The \"y\" value is compulsory for boosting.") start_time = time.perf_counter() # initialize variables self.n_instances, _ = X.shape sample_weights = np.array([1/self.n_instances] * self.n_instances) predictions, r, self.n_iterations_, constant = None, None, 1, 0.0001 if self.model == MODEL_QP_MDBOOST: # Define the inverse of the A matrix if self.gamma is None: A = np.full((self.n_instances, self.n_instances), -1/(self.n_instances - 1), dtype=np.float64) np.fill_diagonal(A, 1) A = np.add(A,, constant)) # regularize A to make A^-1 sure it is really PSD else: self.gamma = 1 / self.n_instances if self.gamma == 'auto' else 1 / (self.n_features * X.var()) if self.gamma == 'scale' else 1 / X.var() if self.gamma == 'nscale' else 1 / self.n_instances A = np.identity(self.n_instances, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.n_instances): for j in range(self.n_instances): if i != j: A[i, j] = np.exp(-self.gamma * np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(X[i, :], X[j, :]))**2) if not self.quiet: print("Matrix A", A) print("is pos def: ", is_pd(A)) print("is psd: ", is_psd(A)) # invert the matrix A self.A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A) # find the nearest pos def matrix if A_inv is not if pos_def(self.A_inv) is False: self.A_inv = nearest_pd(self.A_inv) if not self.quiet: print("Matrix A_inv", self.A_inv) print("is pos def", is_pd(self.A_inv)) print("is psd", is_psd(self.A_inv)) if not self.quiet: print() self.classes_ = unique_labels(y) # if a test set is provided, some metrics are store after each boosting iteration if X_test is not None and y_test is not None: iter_file_name = (iter_file if iter_file is not None else "iter_file") + ".csv" acc_stream = open(iter_file_name, "w") acc_stream.write("objective,train_acc,test_acc,train_auc,test_auc,n_iter,n_trees,min_margin,avg_margin,var_margin\n") acc_stream.flush() # run the boosting loop for a fixed number of iterations if max_iterations is specified while (self.max_iterations > 0 and self.n_iterations_ <= self.max_iterations) or self.max_iterations <= 0: if not self.quiet: print("n_iter", self.n_iterations_) # initialize the classifier # initialize the base classifier. DL8.5 can be changed by another optimal classifier clf = DL85Classifier(**self.clf_params) if self.base_estimator is None else self.base_estimator # fit the model with the correct weights. The print of the learning are disabled. old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w"), y, sample_weight=sample_weights.tolist()) sys.stdout = old_stdout # print the tree expression of the estimator if it has if not self.quiet: print("A new tree has been learnt based on previous found sample weights") if hasattr(clf, "tree_") and isinstance(clf.tree_, dict): print(clf.tree_) # compute the prediction of the new estimator : 1 if correct else -1 try: pred = np.array([-1 if p != y[i] else 1 for i, p in enumerate(clf.predict(X))]) except (NotFittedError, SearchFailedError, TreeNotFoundError) as error: if not self.quiet: print("Problem during the search so we stop") break if not self.quiet: print("correct predictions - incorrect predictions =", pred.sum()) print(", sample_weigths) =", pred @ sample_weights) # check if optimal condition is met if self.n_iterations_ > 1: # if a test set is provided, write metrics after each boosting iteration if X_test is not None and y_test is not None: n_treess = len([i for i in self.estimator_weights_ if i != 0]) if n_treess > 0: n_treess = str(n_treess) self.n_estimators_ = len(self.estimators_) train_acc = str(accuracy_score(y, self.predict(X))) test_acc = str(accuracy_score(y_test, self.predict(X_test))) train_auc = str(roc_auc_score(y, self.predict_proba(X)[:, 1])) test_auc = str(roc_auc_score(y_test, self.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1])) acc_stream.write(str(opti) + "," + train_acc + "," + test_acc + "," + train_auc + "," + test_auc + "," + str(self.n_iterations_ - 1) + "," + n_treess + "," + str(min(self.margins_norm_)) + "," + str(np.mean(self.margins_norm_)) + "," + str(np.var(self.margins_norm_)) + "\n") acc_stream.flush() # optimality condition. an epsilon is added to fix column generation convergence problems if pred @ sample_weights < r + self.opti_gap: if not self.quiet: print(", sample_weigths):{} < r:{} + espsilon:{} ==> we cannot add the new tree. End of iterations".format(pred @ sample_weights, r, self.opti_gap)) print("Objective value at end is", opti) self.optimal_ = True self.objective_ = opti break # not yet optimal self.objective_ = opti if not self.quiet: print(", sample_weigths):{} >= r:{} + epsilon:{}. We can add the new tree.".format(pred @ sample_weights, r, self.opti_gap)) # add new prediction to all predictions matrix.Each column represents predictions of a tree for all examples predictions = pred.reshape((-1, 1)) if predictions is None else np.concatenate((predictions, pred.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) if not self.quiet: print("whole predictions shape", predictions.shape) print("run dual...") # add the new estimator to list of estimators self.estimators_.append(deepcopy(clf)) # compute the dual to find new sample weights (the best to reach optimality) for the next estimator to add if self.model == MODEL_LP_RATSCH: r, sample_weights, opti, self.estimator_weights_ = self.compute_dual_ratsch(predictions) elif self.model == MODEL_LP_DEMIRIZ: r, sample_weights, opti, self.estimator_weights_ = self.compute_dual_demiriz(predictions) elif self.model == MODEL_QP_MDBOOST: r, sample_weights, opti, self.estimator_weights_ = self.compute_dual_mdboost(predictions) # compute some metrics (margins concept) based on adaboost intuition self.margins_ = (predictions @ np.array(self.estimator_weights_).reshape(-1, 1)).transpose().tolist()[0] self.margins_norm_ = (predictions @ np.array([float(i)/sum(self.estimator_weights_) for i in self.estimator_weights_]).reshape(-1, 1)).transpose().tolist()[0] if sum(self.estimator_weights_) > 0 else None if not self.quiet: print("after dual") print("We got", len(self.estimator_weights_), "trees with weights w:", self.estimator_weights_) print("Objective value at this stage is", opti) print("Value of r is", r) print("The sorted margin at this stage is", sorted(self.margins_)) print("min margin:", min(self.margins_norm_), "\tmax margin:", max(self.margins_norm_), "\tavg margin:", np.mean(self.margins_norm_), "\tstd margin:", np.std(self.margins_norm_), "\tsum:", sum(self.margins_norm_)) print("number of neg margins:", len([marg for marg in self.margins_norm_ if marg < 0]), "\tnumber of pos margins:", len([marg for marg in self.margins_norm_ if marg >= 0])) print("The new sample weight for the next iteration is", sample_weights.tolist(), "\n") self.n_iterations_ += 1 # close the metrics file if X_test is not None and y_test is not None: # handle each iteration value acc_stream.close() # compute the learning duration and fix the iterations number counter self.duration_ = time.perf_counter() - start_time self.n_iterations_ -= 1 # at the end, remove the useless estimators (the one with weight = 0) zero_ind = [i for i, val in enumerate(self.estimator_weights_) if val == 0] if not self.quiet: print("\nall tree w", self.estimator_weights_, "\n", "zero ind", zero_ind) self.estimator_weights_ = np.delete(self.estimator_weights_, np.s_[zero_ind], axis=0) self.estimators_ = [clf for clf_id, clf in enumerate(self.estimators_) if clf_id not in zero_ind] predictions = np.delete(predictions, np.s_[zero_ind], axis=1) if not self.quiet: print("final pred shape", predictions.shape) # compute training accuracy of the found ensemble and store it in the variable `accuracy_` forest_pred_val =, np.array(self.estimator_weights_)) train_pred_correct_or_not = np.where(forest_pred_val < 0, 0, 1) # 1 if prediction is correct, 0 otherwise self.accuracy_ = sum(train_pred_correct_or_not)/len(y) # save the number of found estimators self.n_estimators_ = len(self.estimators_) # Show each non-zero estimator weight and its tree expression if it has if not self.quiet: for i, estimator in enumerate(sorted(zip(self.estimator_weights_, self.estimators_), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)): print("clf n_", i+1, " ==>\tweight: ", estimator[0], sep="", end="") if hasattr(estimator[1], "tree_") and isinstance(estimator[1].tree_, dict): print(" \tjson_string: ", estimator[1].tree_, sep="") else: print() if self.n_estimators_ == 0: raise NotFittedError("No tree selected") return self def compute_dual_ratsch(self, predictions): # primal is maximization r_ = cp.Variable() u_ = cp.Variable(self.n_instances) obj = cp.Minimize(r_) constr = [predictions[:, i] @ u_ <= r_ for i in range(predictions.shape[1])] constr.append(-u_ <= 0) if self.regulator > 0: constr.append(u_ <= self.regulator) constr.append(cp.sum(u_) == 1) problem = cp.Problem(obj, constr) if self.quiet: old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") opti = problem.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI) if self.quiet: sys.stdout = old_stdout return r_.value, u_.value, opti, [x.dual_value.tolist() for x in problem.constraints[:predictions.shape[1]]] def compute_dual_demiriz(self, predictions): # primal is minimization u_ = cp.Variable(self.n_instances) obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(u_)) constr = [predictions[:, i] @ u_ <= 1 for i in range(predictions.shape[1])] constr.append(-u_ <= 0) constr.append(u_ <= self.regulator) problem = cp.Problem(obj, constr) if self.quiet: old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") opti = problem.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI) if self.quiet: sys.stdout = old_stdout return 1, u_.value, opti, [x.dual_value.tolist() for x in problem.constraints[:predictions.shape[1]]] def compute_dual_mdboost(self, predictions): # primal is maximization r_ = cp.Variable() u_ = cp.Variable(self.n_instances) obj = cp.Minimize(r_ + 1/(2*self.regulator) * cp.quad_form((u_ - 1), self.A_inv)) constr = [predictions[:, i] @ u_ <= r_ for i in range(predictions.shape[1])] problem = cp.Problem(obj, constr) if self.quiet: old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w") opti = problem.solve(solver=cp.GUROBI) if self.quiet: sys.stdout = old_stdout return r_.value, u_.value, opti, [x.dual_value.tolist() for x in problem.constraints]
[docs] def softmax(self, X, copy=True): """ Calculate the softmax function. The softmax function is calculated by np.exp(X) / np.sum(np.exp(X), axis=1) This will cause overflow when large values are exponentiated. Hence the largest value in each row is subtracted from each data point to prevent this. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of float of shape (M, N) Argument to the logistic function. copy : bool, default=True Copy X or not. Returns ------- out : ndarray of shape (M, N) Softmax function evaluated at every point in x. """ if copy: X = np.copy(X) max_prob = np.max(X, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) X -= max_prob np.exp(X, X) sum_prob = np.sum(X, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) X /= sum_prob return X
def predict(self, X, y=None): # in case no tree has been found if self.n_estimators_ == 0: # fit method has not been called or the regulator is not good print(self.estimators_) print(self.estimator_weights_) raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first or change the regulator" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) # Run a prediction on each estimator predict_per_clf = np.asarray([clf.predict(X) for clf in self.estimators_]).transpose() # return the prediction based on all estimators. The mex weighted class is returned return np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.argmax(np.bincount(x, weights=self.estimator_weights_)), axis=1, arr=predict_per_clf.astype('int')) def predict_proba(self, X): classes = self.classes_[:, np.newaxis] pred = sum((np.array(estimator.predict(X)) == classes).T * w for estimator, w in zip(self.estimators_, self.estimator_weights_)) pred /= sum(self.estimator_weights_) pred[:, 0] *= -1 decision = pred.sum(axis=1) decision = np.vstack([-decision, decision]).T / 2 return self.softmax(decision, False) def get_nodes_count(self): if self.n_estimators_ == 0: # fit method has not been called raise NotFittedError("Call fit method first" % {'name': type(self).__name__}) return sum([clf.get_nodes_count() for clf in self.estimators_])